And the Winner Is…

Last week I introduced you to author, Whitney Ferre and announced a give away of her book, The Artist Within: a Guide to Becoming Creatively Fit. Thank you to everyone who took the time to leave a comment. (If you missed it be sure to read her inspiring interview here.) Now it is time...

Inspiring Artist: God

We are drawing near to the end of this round of “Inspiring Artist” interviews.  Thank you to everyone who has participated, to the artists for sharing their amazing stories and to all of the readers who have shared their thoughts.  You all continue to inspire me! Be sure to join me next week for...

Inspiring Artist, Bonnie Owen

This week I am excited to introduce you to yet another creative branch of my family tree.  Meet my aunt, Bonnie Owen. Hi Bonnie, Please introduce yourself and your art a little bit. Hello, my name is Bonnie Owen and I’ve been a painter, illustrator, and graphic artist. I’ve been published in books, magazines...

Inspiring Artist, Tracy Verdugo

Introducing Artist, Tracy Verdugo!   Hi everyone! I’m Tracy Verdugo, painter, singer, writer, mamma bear, wife, explorer of ideas, lover of humanity and nature, life long learner and believer in possibilities! I’ve been painting for around 11 years now and the discovery that there was a creative being inside of me who could sing...

Inspiring Artist, Tammy Garcia

Introducing Tammy Garcia, teacher of “Urban Layer Cake” at 21 Secrets. Please introduce yourself and your art a little bit. I’m a self-taught artist and mom from Pennsylvania. My husband and I live in Texas with our 9 + 11 year old daughters and our Rhodesian Ridgeback. I have an MBA from Carnegie Mellon...

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