Inspiring Artist, Shilpa Menghani Ruchandani

This week’s featured artist is a talented woman I met through an online artist community. My deepest thanks to the internet for introducing us. The ocean would otherwise have kept us separated.

Introducing, Shilpa Menghani Ruchandani, aka “Artyshils.”

Please introduce yourself and your art a little bit.

My name is Shilpa Menghani Ruchandani and I am also known as “Artyshils” on the web world. I am a visual artist, freelancer, youtuber and a blogger. My style of work is primarily figurative and abstract. I work with acrylic paints and mixed media on canvas and my color scheme is by and large pure, bright and bold. My goal as an artist is to be self sustaining, selling my work and teaching art. I also really really wish to spread the concept of using art as a healer for mind , body and soul, specially in the developing countries where the awareness about the healing properties of art is either low or  not taken seriously. I also aspire to work with various NGOs dealing with handicapped or orphan children, ladies and aged people and mental health patients and provide free art workshops and services for them.

For me art is just a beautiful form of expression. Nothing complicated. I really believe in the phrase :- If I could say it in words there would be no reason to paint. –Edward Hopper.

Art can be anything from a simple garnishing on my food to scribbles in  my journal to my large canvasses. As long as my heart is able to flow as it desires, as long as my work is portraying my emotion at that moment and as long as the simplest of thing like making a line is making me happy, that is art for me. I had written an article on my blog which explains why everyone can call themselves an artist and who is an Artist, which you can catch up with here :-

What are you currently working on?

Other then working on many of my ongoing canvas paintings, I am also working on some commissioned portraits. I am even into the process of designing ARTYSHILS ON-LINE WORKSHOPS where I will be coaching my style of paintings and mixed media portraits. Besides all this, 1 thing that I am constantly into ,is making my painting, artjournnaling and crafting videos which I absolutely love doing and am addicted to. You can find them here :-

Can you tell us a little bit about your Art Journals?

My art journals are more like my inspiration journals. I do not record my daily life or my thoughts in my art journals. Rather, I love to layer and experiment over it with my colors and many other mixed media stuff and then fill it in with some of the most inspiring and motivating quotes and lines which give me energy and motivation on reading them. So whenever I am a bit uninspired or not in a mood to work or may be feel bad because somebody said something to me or did something wrong to me, I go through my journal. I look at it, all filled with textures and colors which fascinate me , and read all my beautiful words, I get all lost in the world of colors and motivational lines it holds for me. Doing this brings back my energy and makes me fall in love with life and everything I do all over again. You can catch up a peak into my art journaling here :-

Who has inspired you?

Watching other people’s youtube video inspires me the most. One more thing that really inspires me and gives me a kick are the comments on my youtube videos. The Love from my youtube videos viewers and some amazing friends I’ve found online have definitely helped me to grow so much as an artist.

What is your favorite inspirational quote?

“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you, the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”

Are there any tips to living a creative life that you’d like to share?

One of the most important tips, which whenever I follow, I end up coming up with some beautiful work. But whenever I do not follow, I end up working on nothing. The tip is :- 
” Stop thinking”
Stop thinking too much about things like what should I paint or what should I not paint. Just sit and start working. Do not waste time in thinking.
Stop thinking about all the art materials you wish you had in order to start painting or writing or dancing or singing. Just start working with whatever you have. If you just have a small notebook and a pencil and just a small place in your kitchen floor to sit, use just these and start.

As soon as we start thinking about all these things TOO MUCH we cannot work. So just stop thinking. This small video by me will explain you exactly what I am talking about :-

Where can people find you and your work? :- My website :- My youtube channel :- Facebook!/ArtyshilsArt :- Twitter :- Etsy

Thank you so much for providing me with the opportunity and honour of beaing able to feature on your website 🙂

Warm hugs

Shilpa, Your interview is wonderful! Thank you so much for putting so much thought into your answers. I know it will inspire my readers as you have inspired me.

Click button to view past interviews.

“Inspiring Artists” is an ongoing artist interview series at  Join me Mondays for a weekly dose of creative inspiration.

The series will continue as long as there are artists wishing to participate.  If you are an artist and would like to share your story, please contact me at  I’d love to hear from you.  Thank you!!!

Love & Blessings,


  1. Rita alias alatvian
    August 1, 2011

    Many thanks to both of you for this inspiring post!

  2. Pamela M. Zirbel
    August 3, 2011

    Teehee…i just love you Shilpa!!! I love this video and soo happy that you have this spot!! Glad others are now seeing how awesome you are!!!! Soo Proud of you honey!!! xoxox

  3. Dawn Herring
    August 3, 2011

    I so enjoyed this interview with my good friend, Shilpa. The photos are gorgeous and words inspiring! I plan to link to this interview for The Artist in my Refresh Journal which you can sign up for here:

    One of my favorite tips from Shilpa is the one she mentioned about using what you have on hand and work with it. She made me realize how rich I am with all of my art supplies!

    Thanks again for this inspiring interview.
    Be refreshed,
    Dawn Herring
    JournalWriter Freelance
    Host of #JournalChat Live and Links Edition on Twitter

  4. ChristineB
    August 4, 2011

    This interview was a joy to read… it left me feeling very happy. You are so charming and open Shilpa, and your art is stunning.I just clapped my hands with pleasure as you showed me round your “studio”…. Oh, as I look around at the mountains of supplies I have accumulated and think how I complain that my studio is “too small” I am humbled by your cheerful tour of your little space on the floor and your “make do and mend” equipment. Apart from inspiring me Shilpa, you have taught me a valuable lesson and given me plenty to think about..

  5. Naina
    August 6, 2011

    I just loved this interview shilpa……… Like your art, your words and statements are also very sweet and simple which can inspire anybody. u r just amazing 🙂

  6. shobhana
    August 9, 2011

    This interview was really inspiring & part being not to wait for fancy art material & starting off immediately…you are really good..!! cheers

  7. Shailaja
    August 9, 2011

    Hey Shilpa….great interview, very inspiring indeed, your passion for art does show in the pictures, awesome work …Keep Rocking!!! Guys if any one interested in her paintings…… they are highly recommendable, it is a privileage knowing her in person. 🙂

  8. priya
    October 22, 2011

    Wonderful work Shilpa. Truely lot to learn from you, especially the fact that art does not call for piles of supplies and a studio. Art just happens. Goodluck with your venture.

  9. rajesh aswani
    February 22, 2012

    please send your baby boy’s pickture immidiate as early as possible

  10. Puneet
    November 2, 2015

    Hi Shilpa wonderful work… Yeah thats you sure almost perfect… You no d best part wid your paintings is that they silently gives d message.. All the best for your future


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