It’s Wednesday. Time for more Wishcasting with Jamie Ridler Studios. Today’s prompt: How do you wish to soar?
Lately I’ve been finding myself standing in front of a mental fork in the road. One path would take me slowly down the winding path of the mountain and up the other side. The second path before me is a the swinging rope bridge high above the ravine. It’s like I can see the shiny lights of my dreams right across that bridge.
Fear is holding me back. Stepping out onto that bridge scares me. Maybe I should be reasonable about this and take the time to pack my gear for the long journey down path number one. Get a tent, some food, rain gear… or I could just go, right now across that bridge.
Jamie’s prompt has presented to me a third option, FLIGHT. So today, in this moment, I WISH to SOAR with WINGS of TRUST and FAITH. I WISH to jump off this cliff and FLY towards my DREAMS with GRACE.
December 15, 2010
Ur wishes are beautiful.
as u wish, so do I wish them for you.
hugs bonnierose
December 15, 2010
Trust your wings and fly with confidence , I know what ya mean totally!
As you wish for yourself , I wish for you also!
December 15, 2010
Great post! Just love how you wrote this.
As you wish for yourself, I wish for you also.
December 15, 2010
here’s to leaping and soaring if that’s what your heart desires! as you wish for yourself, i wish for you also.
December 15, 2010
Have faith. As you wish for yourself, I wish for you as well. I understand where you are and wish you the best.