One of my all time favorite quotes is this one by Joseph Campbell (have I mentioned how much I love his work?)
“Follow your bliss and don’t be afraid, and doors will open where you didn’t know they were going to be.”
This is me following my bliss. I am in full blown painting mode this week.
Big paintings little paintings, finished paintings, in progress paintings, paint, brushes, etc etc all atop my desk. I actually had to clear off some space so I could set up the laptop on my computer to write this post 🙂
Step one complete, bliss followed. Step two, looking for open doors! Anyone out there want to host my next art exhibit or perhaps adorn your shop walls with some inspirational art?
May your life be filled with bliss and open doors!
Love & Blessings,
December 9, 2011
I love the quote!! Sometimes I get so caught up in the business side that I lose some of the bliss.. Working on getting it back
December 9, 2011
Oh I completely understand! It’s a tricky balance between creating art and selling art that is for sure!
December 10, 2011
Ooo Jeniffer, I love this post – I would give you and exhibition in the village library where I work in an instant. Not for the first time do I wish we lived nearer to each other!
Your paintings here are so luschiously spontaneous – so juicy with colour and expression.
But the main thing I got out of this post is the message that I must put a cap on my tidying and organising in my studio (still at it!!) and make some more art. What is tidiness worth where the is no art to show for it?
I’ve just ordered a book by Joseph Campbell from the library too.
This post has been multifaceted for me… thank you.
December 10, 2011
It makes me so incredibly happy to know that this post has inspired you so much. You made my heart feel all warm and fuzzy 🙂
Looking forward to hearing how your new art is coming along and how you like the book. Which one did you order by the way?
December 13, 2011
I ordered A Hero with a Thousand Faces. I can only find that one and Masks of God on the library catalogue (the latter is a very old and in four volumes). Hero has good reviews on Amazon. There is only one copy available in the library and its on loan so I may have a week or two to wait before it arrives. Which would you recommend?
December 13, 2011
I have Hero With a Thousand Faces, but have actually never read the Masks of God. So I’m all in with your decision! 🙂