“Lift your thoughts above the limitations of your life. Let them transcend, for the moment at least, all that has seemed to bind you, to stand in your way, all that has frustrated you or made you unhappy. … The inner freedom you feel will sustain and uphold you as you go about the activities of daily living. You will feel free; you will be free, for you are Spirit: unbound, unlimited, unaffected by circumstances, all-wise, all-loving, all-powerful.” (The above excerpt is from the article You Are Unfettered, Unbound, Triumphant, Glorius, Free by Martha Smock. Read the full article on Onity.org by clicking here.) Amazing powers and abilities lie within you, including, Faith, Understanding, Will, Imagination and Love. You have the power to make things happen. How are you applying your powers in your life?
You Are Powerful