“Do not be limited by your own thoughts. Spirit is limitless. Base your-Self; actions, thoughts, inspiration, your whole life in Spirit. Thinking in limitation is thinking based in human thoughts of confusion. Spirit guides us and gives us ideas all the time. Too often, we block them out or dismiss them as impractical. Listen carefully from now on and act on those ideas, no matter how odd they seem. If it feels right intuitively, do it!” -entry from my personal journals July, 2006.
June 8, 2011
I’ve had a difficult day today Jeniffer. How did you know this? It is so nice to come here and read these words and see that beautiful photo. Today you have been a tonic to my flagging soul and made me feel strong again. thank you.
June 8, 2011
I am glad these words were tonic on a difficult day. This old journal entry simply called to me today. Perhaps it was specifically meant for you. Perhaps others too needed the tonic.
Much love,