Trust the Process


“Trust the process to lead you to the next step of unfoldment and creativity.”  These words I wrote ten years ago still hold powerful meaning for me.  In art and in life I am continuing to learn to lean into the process.  

This journal page itself is an example of letting the process unfold.  Beginning with crayola markers a simple mandala like shape began to emerge.  I then wet the page and watched the colors of the markers bleed and soften into the background.  Into the wet background I added shading with water color pencils.  Rubber stamps in black and gold formed the next layer.  With a simple black sharpie marker I added final details and the text swirling around in my mind.

Where do you lean into process and where do you seek control over the outcome?  Notice where your energy goes.  Explore with creative art materials as a way to lean deeper into process.  Begin with no other intention than to play and see where it takes you.

Love & Blessings on your journey!



  1. Sandy Sandvik
    March 1, 2020

    With my devotions I recently started a journal with markers to illustrate scripture.
    I was thrilled to read your article, ‘Art as Meditation’ . I also viewed your website this morning. Thank you. God Bless

    1. Jeniffer
      March 4, 2020

      Thank you for taking the time to comment Sandy! I am happy to hear that the article was inspirational for you. It sounds like you have a beautiful process of adding creative expression to your devotional experience. Many blessings!


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