
My latest Journal image was inspired by Silky Hart’s class “Paint Writing” at 21 Secrets and a quote by Wayne Dyer. It reminded me of our own ability to make our dreams come true.

“Your physical presence is made up of the same stuff that makes up the stars, That’s right, the stuff of dreams, twinkling, magical, beautiful, lightfilled, stardust!”

If you follow my blog, you know that change is a big theme in my life. I didn’t grow up this way. In fact I grew up in a small town in a small state (the smallest to be precise). Change was not a big priority on most people’s list. Quite the opposite was true.

As a child I was taught to put my faith in stability. Being and doing exactly the same thing throughout your entire life was safe. Phrases like “Don’t rock the boat” and “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it” were heard daily.

Somehow for me this never fully sunk in. I knew there was more to life. I sought change. I invited change. I made daring leaps all across the country. My mother worried and fretted, but I survived. In fact I more than survived. Because I took chances and invited change I discovered how to truly LIVE!

And now from the other side of the shore I have faith in new things. A faith more powerful than the illusion of safety. I have faith in MYSELF and faith in a supportive UNIVERSE.

My goal, my dream, my desire is to help others find this faith as well.

“Don’t rock the boat?” I never understood why anyone would want to stay in a small boat their whole lives? ROCK that boat BABY and then JUMP RIGHT OFF and SWIM towards your new life. It’s waiting for you!!!

Join the Love Revolution!!!


  1. Silky Hart
    May 13, 2011

    Jeniffer, thank you for a most heart warming post! Nothing like full throttle believing in YOURSELF and the UNIVERSE! xoxo

  2. ChristineB
    May 13, 2011

    This lovely piece is like a vortex – pulling me into the middle of those beautiful words.


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