Last Saturday I spent all morning creating in the studio with Noah (my 3 year old) by my side. While still in our pajamas, we managed to create 4 paintings and 2 collages. Not surprisingly the theme of the day was pumpkins – giant pumpkins, jack-o-lanterns and pumpkin patches.
After seeing my completed pumpkin patch painting (above), Noah said he wanted to make one like it. So, we got out a new sheet of paper and I verbally walked him through my process, step-by-step. I explained the order I created everything in, what colors I used for each shape, how I held my brush and what sort of brush strokes I made (big swoopy ones, little dotted ones, straight, curvy, etc.). As I spoke, I pointed out individual elements on my painting while Noah created his own spectacular version (below).
This experience reminded me that we can create anything, no matter what our age. All we need is to know what steps to take and what order to take them in. It is the little details, the choice of color, shape of our lines, and handle on our brush that allow us to create our masterpieces. It may not look exactly like your neighbor’s, but it is perfectly yours!
Don’t be afraid to claim what you want to create, no matter how big it may seem. Then ask -another artist, a friend, the Universe, yourself – “what are the steps I need to take to make this vision complete?”.
What do you wish to create? Stop by the community forum to leave your comments or share images of your current work in progress.
Love & Blessings,
October 29, 2011
Oooh Jeniffer… love these pumpkin fields. Well… how to choose… hmmm. I love yours to bits of course but I think Noah’s has to be my favourite. I love how he has been inspired by your painting and then put his own interpretation on it. And I am a sucker for abstraction… so I could definitely have that on my wall – it would look so splendid against my orange wall in the back room. Seriously – I think they should both be framed and hung side by side!
October 29, 2011
Dan said we have to frame them too 🙂 Just need to pick them up and then these will be new accents to our own walls!
October 29, 2011
These are fabulous, Jen!
October 29, 2011
Thanks Christi! Not too bad for sitting on the floor painting in our pajamas huh? Maybe I should do more painting in my pajamas 🙂
October 29, 2011
Wow!! I love them both!! Beautiful colors. Hanging them is a nice idea. 😉 If Noah keeps it up, you’ll have to have a wall just for his paintings.
October 29, 2011
What do you mean, if he keeps it up? lol I think he already has just as much art as Dan and I hanging on the walls 🙂
October 31, 2011
Well..I”ll be checking them out next year when we come to visit!!
wish it could be sooner 😉