One of my son’s favorite shows is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. In the show Mickey and his friends are assisted in their adventures by Toodles. He brings the famous mouseketools, ever available to solve any problem the gang may face. It might be monkey to climb a tree and get that much needed coconut or perhaps a glue stick to repair the airplane’s broken propeller. (actual examples by the way!)
I believe we all have access to our own mouseketools. When ever we are in need, there is a solution. The Universe is there with all of it’s endless abundance waiting to hand us our next tool. We simply have to look around us and recognize our choices. Which mouseketool will help us solve our current problem; a paintbrush, a basket of tomatoes, a surprise check in the mail or perhaps the mystery mouseketool?
My husband, Dan, was the carrier of my Universal Mouseketool today. I was sitting outside contemplating where to focus my creative energy. At that moment Dan came walking out to me holding a book in his hand. He said “This had fallen onto the floor in the office. I think you need to read it now.” Then he handed me The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Getting Published. So, I have decided that my focus -for now- is going to be put into writing my book.
May you recognize the tools before you today as well! It really can be as simple as “Ask and ye shall receive.”
Love & Blessings,