Life is feeling so magical these days. It is as though everything is lining up perfectly. Have you ever thought of a friend whom you haven’t spoken to in a while and in that moment the phone rings and it’s them? If so you understand what I’ve been experiencing. I’m reading things that seem as though they were written for me. Answers are presenting themselves to questions I never voiced. Dan and I even seem to sharing thoughts without speaking. I don’t believe in coincidence. Even if I did the amount of things that have been happening in this manner would cause me to give pause. Being in this flow is an absolutely beautiful experience.
Here is a quick journal entry I composed inspired by these thoughts.
July 11, 2010
I can see it in your latest work!
smiles and hugs coming you way 😉
July 11, 2010
i have no words to describe just how i feel every time i go on your site…all i can say is that my heart beats faster and i need a deep sight ….and then all is right in my world……thankx jen…….you are always there……..whether you know it or not….you are there!
July 13, 2010
Maybe our definition should change on what we believe “coincidence” is 😛
Maybe change it to :Coincidence co·in·ci·dence- Two unrelated action causing a related reaction; To happen for a purpose
July 13, 2010
I love it! I am a big believer in redefining words. I’m working on redefining “crazy” too.