"Inspiring Artists!," Rose Firestone

Meet Writer and Painter, Rose Firestone

I have always known you as a talented writer. To add to your creative endeavors you are now working as an oil painter as well. It is so beautiful to watch you grow as an artist!

First, thank you for all you have done to bring me to this stage of my career. You taught me so much more than how to paint. Thank you.

It has truly been my pleasure. Please introduce yourself, your art and your poetry a little bit.

I started writing in my own style called creative imagery when I was ten. Writing has always been my way to either find or lose my self in a particular situation. I write because something meaningful in my life or a friend’s life has grown a voice that needs to be heard. I love creating images with my words, giving my reader’s imagination free space to wander in until they find their own place within my work to settle in as they join me in my story and feel like they have shared the experience with a friend.

On my 57th birthday you (Jeniffer Hutchins) brought me into your kitchen and talked me through my very first painting. I knew then and there something magical and amazing was happening to me. I had a sense of finding myself all over again. Painting gave me a new voice to tell my stories through. And as I combine the two crafts, I get the best of both worlds.

I have done readings in book stores, art galleries and libraries. I have been published in the News & Observer, Urban Hiker, The Herald Sun,(Raleighextra) Durham paper and Woman’s Edge magazine. I love doing art shows and festivals, it gives me the opportunity to meet fellow artists, see their work, and meet wonderful people. There is so much to learn from others.

Where can people find you and your work?

Paintings: www.seascapesfromthedockofthebay.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/rosefirestone
e-mail: rosefirestone@bellsouth.net
Paintings available at: Sunset River Market Art Gallery, Calabash N.C. and The Painted Cottage, Ocean Isle N.C.

Excerpt from “Essence”
the essence of life’s journey
is not from here to there
it is
from here
to here
it is
the turns and bumps in the road
that brings you
from you
to you

Finish this thought. For me my art is…

a visual reflection of my writing. Although most of my art is seascapes, the mixing of my colors on canvas represents the juxtaposition of my words on paper. The flow of water for me feels like my cadence bringing images to life.

What inspires you?

Inspiration comes from so many places. I guess it begins inside me. The way I view things, how a thing affects me, what I see within others, a struggle or conflict maybe. People driving in a red car, a kiss, a walk in the park, the process in which we all grow older and the experiences we learn from…or don’t learn from. Inspiration truly is everywhere, you just need to know how to see it through all the STUFF that gets in the way of living your life.

Tell us about your books and where we can find them.

I have self-published two books and I am finishing a third. Keeping Abreast is written for a friend with breast cancer. It is her story, her journey from discovery through treatment and ultimately acceptance. It is poignant, and holds nothing back. I might add that it is the only book written in creative imagery /poetry of its kind about breast cancer. In progress, Mommy is Bald is its sequel, written from the view point of a ten year old boy, along on his mother’s journey.

Book two is Ramblings of the Blue-haired Lady: a rambling of poetry/creative imagery pieces dealing with growing up and older, facing life’s challenges and learning just to live your life and be yourself. The Blue-haired Lady Rambles On is almost finished. I hope to have it out by the years end.

My books can be found at LYNN’S party plus Hallmark store on Kildare Farms Road in Cary, and Borders Books in Cary, along with Quail Ridge book store in Raleigh and Eva Perry Library in Apex. I have a line of note cards for sale, available at Hallmark at Kildare Farms Road or through my art site or personal e-mail address.

My books are also available at: www.Lulu.com key word rose firestone
I have five finished children’s books, and am working on a series

Can you talk a little bit about your transition from writer to writer/painter?

It has been an amazing transition and exploration of myself combining both my writing and painting. It’s funny how natural they are together; how combining the two makes such good sense and how it makes me feel so much more connected to each piece, be it writing or painting. It’s amazing how words can transform into colors and how colors can pull words into a piece of writing. I love standing in front of a blank canvas because I never know what will end up there until it is finished. It is the same with my writing, when it happens… it just happens. I plan nothing, and love the surprise that awaits me. Both medias have amazing rewards. And if someone sees in my work something that moves them….well that’s the icing on my cake!

What was the process like in overcoming your fear to paint and how did it make you feel?

I remember taking an art class, some years ago, and after the third class the instructor asked me why I was there. He wanted to know if I was I expecting credit for the class. The look of relief on his face when I said it was just for fun made me feel less than able to create anything artistic, but I finished the class, less enthused that I started, but I finished.

So after that, I just continued with my writing, giving no thought to art at all. I never in a million years thought I could paint anything besides the walls in my house, until, on my 57th birthday I found myself in your (Jeniffer Hutchins’) kitchen with a paintbrush in my hand and you standing behind me talking me through my very first painting. You saw something in me no one else did, and together we captured it . And I love you for that!

By the way Jeniffer, I have the collage I did on that very horrible terrible day the week before, hanging next to my first painting.

I remember that day and the emotion you poured into that collage. I am glad it has a special place.

Your poetry and your paintings inspire so many people who has inspired you?

Inspiration comes in so many forms, from so many people and places. May Sarton is the single most influential writer in my life. Her ability to take a simple setting and build a world around it pulls me right in. Her voice speaks through and within the silences of life. She is amazingly vibrant within the solitude of her life.

Music is also a large part of my inspiration. George Winston’s piece, “The Snow Man’s Music Box Dance” is an amazing piece of music to work to. It brings me through space and time to where everything is at peace and perfect. Mayumi’s “Garden in the Sky” pours the ocean into my heart and words just flow from me when I hear it.

Last but not least, as far as artists go, you (Jeniffer Hutchins) are the most inspiring artist for me. You bring depth and heart to your canvas. Your dedication to yourself and your craft is outstanding. You have the ability to find just the right media to express yourself with amazing beauty and grace. You are an amazing artist and friend. I have written several pieces for your paintings and they always bring out the best in me.

Rose, I am humbled by your comment and so happy to have been a source of inspiration!

Excerpt from “I’m Here”
i’m here
drifting in the moonlight
floating among the stars
looking down upon my own self
trying to find all the answers

Are there any other tips to living a creative life that you would like to share?

A friend of mine once told me, “ If you think you can do something and if you dream about doing it, then you can do it.” That holds true for anyone who has aspirations of becoming an artist of any kind. Believe in yourself, follow your dreams, let nothing stand in your way. And remember that brick wall, it’s not there to keep you out….Its there to see how much you really want something, it’s there for you to climb. So be the best you, you can be and follow your dreams.

Beautiful Rose! Thank you for sharing your heart with us.

“Inspiring Artists!” will be an ongoing series. It will run as long as there are inspiring artists out there wanting to share their stories. If you are an artist and would like to participate please contact me at jhutchins@joyfulartsstudio.com. I would love to hear from you!!


  1. Judy T.
    June 14, 2010

    Another awesome story! Rose, you are an inspiration to anyone who would like to try something new even if it’s outside their comfort zone. Your positive outlook is wonderful.
    And Jen, I know how much of an inspiration you are to people around you, I’ve seen it in many ways.
    Please keep the interviews coming. I look forward to Monday mornings. 😉
    I’ll certainly look at Rose’s website and check out her books.

  2. Lisa
    June 15, 2010

    What a fascinating interview. How wonderful that Rose found her art … it’s gorgeous. And guess what, I had to go check out that music and as we speak itunes is downloading Mayumi!

  3. Bill Shelley
    October 20, 2012

    You’ve turned your art into magic expression of the soul. You’re Great!
    Enjoy life….Time has passed,but not sweet memories…God health to all!

    1. R F
      April 12, 2018

      Bill….. I just found this….if you are my Bill Shelley from Suffolk State….. please get back to .me


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