Inspiring others to find happiness in their lives, that is what makes me happy!!!
Who wouldn’t be happy when students are sharing words like these…
“It’s funny how when you stop and take the time to really consider what makes you happy how often it’s the little things that you might take for granted. This workshop has certainly helped to remind me to slow down and appreciate all the awesome stuff going on around me at any given moment.”
“I enjoyed finding out that my life is filled with everyday things that make me happy.”
“It was nice to sit still with my thoughts and be able to write them down. At first I thought that I wouldn’t have much to say but once I got started it just kept on going. I found that I thought about happiness a lot this week and in turn had lots of happy thoughts which made the week go by quicker. It was great!”
Are you ready to discover true HAPPINESS?
The “Happiness Is…” workshop is OPEN! Register today to participate in this introspective art journal series. Discover your passions, unearth your dreams, and learn to fully love the life you are living!
Click here for more information.
May your days and your life be filled with Joy & Happiness!
Love & Blessings,