Finding Balance

Mandala Drawing
(Today’s art journal page, a relaxing mandala in black ink. One day I will enjoy the meditative experience of coloring it in.)

It has been so long since I have last written a blog post that I actually forgot my password.  That’s a first.   

Since my last post, my family and I have relocated to Lee’s Summit, Missouri.  It has been a busy time filled with many unexpected twists and turns – as most moves and major life changes tend to be.  After being flipped upside down on our heads, shaken and stirred, we are now beginning to feel as though we are settling into our new life experience.  And yet, this physical move is only the beginning of the BIG changes taking place.  Next week I begin my new role as “student” at Unity Institute.

My theology professor has asked that all students keep a “theology blog” for the course of the fall semester.  After thinking it over, I have decided to use this current blog for the assignment.  For the next ten weeks you will be able to read the metaphysical ponderings of an artist as I explore the meaning of life, the Universe and everything.  Next Monday I will kick things off with my first class assignment; sharing my beliefs and thoughts on God. (Light reading of course.)         

Before my classes begin and I am knee deep in books and asignments, I have been contemplating the word BALANCE.  What is balance?  What tools do I have in my toolbox that can help me maintain balance as I experience life as a mother, a wife, a student, an artist, a friend, a writer and a doer of dishes?  I have come to recognize that two of my biggest tools are creative expression and daily meditation.  As long as I practice these two things in my life, I feel balanced regardless of how seemingly chaotic things might be.  There may be turbulence, but at least I can see beyond it – or at least breathe through it until I reach the other side.  

Thank you for sharing this journey with me.  As always I welcome your comments and feedback.  Feel free to post comments here, send me a private message or respond with a post on your own site.  Your shared ideas inspire and illuminate.  

Today I ask, what does balance mean to you and how do you keep balance in your life?     

Many blessings on your journey,



  1. Judy T.
    September 22, 2013

    Really looking forward to reading your blog.
    Finding balance is a little bit like nailing jello to a tree at times, can be
    very elusive for some. Surrounding yourself with family and friends is a good start. Trying to keep positive thoughts and things usually work out.
    A quote I came across the other day:
    if you have faith as small as a mustard seed…nothing will be impossible for you.
    so, sending positive thoughts your way as you start your first week. 😉

    1. Jeniffer
      September 22, 2013

      Ha ha “nailing jello to a tree,” great analogy! Thanks for the support, the love, and the beautiful quote. I actually just used that same quote in something I wrote.


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