Happiness is

Inspiring others to find happiness in their lives, that is what makes me happy!!! Who wouldn’t be happy when students are sharing words like these… “It’s funny how when you stop and take the time to really consider what makes you happy how often it’s the little things that you might take for granted....

Last Chance to Win

The “Wishes & Dreams: Happiness is…” workshop opens tomorrow! Hip Hip Hooray!!! I am just so EXCITED to finally get to share this with you. It has been an ongoing work of LOVE over the past few months 🙂   Ready to join in the FUN? Pre-register today for your chance to be entered...

Oops Journal Workshop Revealed

Last night, Facebook conspired with my website to give a sneak peek of my upcoming workshop.  Apparently this workshop just can’t wait to share itself with you. Since “the cat’s out of the bag” I figured I’d go ahead and officially announce “HAPPINESS IS…” the first workshop in the “Wishes & Dreams” series. In...

Inspiring Artist, Alma Stoller

Last night I briefly introduced you to this week’s artist, Alma Stoller.  Today we’ll get to take a closer look at the artist and her inspirations. Please introduce yourself and your art a little bit. My name is Alma Stoller and I am a multi-media artist, designer and blogger. I live in New York...

online Being

The world wide web;  blogs, websites, facebook, e-mail, you tube, online classes…  Isn’t it all amazing?  Really stop and think about this for a moment.  It’s not just talking to a friend down the street, but connecting with others around the WORLD on a very personal level.  Technology is changing quickly and taking us...

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