
I’ve just discovered “Wishcasting Wednesdays” over at Jamie Riddler Studios. Jamie gives us the chance to focus our thoughts, discover what we want to bring into our lives, then to share and hold intentions with others.

I created this Visual Journal collage three days ago. Thank you, Jamie, for giving me the space to share these wishes!

Today I WISH to INVITE IN the continued STRENGTH and MOTIVATION to FOLLOW my BIG DREAMS. I WISH to BREAK FREE of any limitations I have set for myself. I WISH to HELP OTHERS BELIEVE they can do the SAME!

Ever notice that the more you think about something, the more it shows up in your life? I used to call that coincidence, but as I’ve said before, I don’t believe in coincidence anymore. I believe there is a direct relationship between what we think and what we experience. I’ve been experiencing this a lot in my life lately. Discovering Jamie’s “Wishcasting” today is a prime example.

Three days ago I sat down and began to develop ideas for a new online Visual Journal workshop, “Wishes and Dreams.” It would be a place for exploring the connection between our thoughts and our experiences. Here is some of my brainstorming, “I want to introduce more people to this powerful tool. Simple tools, creation, process, reflection & meditation. Teach how to be mindful of what you truly want to see in your life, follow through and take action towards your goals.” Wouldn’t this be an amazing way to start the New Year?


  1. Marilyn
    November 24, 2010

    here’s to continued synchronicity. as you wish for yourself, i wish for you also. love the journal page.

  2. Mare
    November 24, 2010

    1) Love your work – it’s beautiful.

    2) As you wish for yourself, so i wish for you also! Always dream big!

  3. Carmen-Biomouse
    November 24, 2010

    I tell myself all the time that all I have to do is get out of my own way. You have such a wonderful blog here and your visual art journaling is so inspiring Jeniffer, I know you’ve got great strength and intuition-I so wish for you as you wish for yourself today. All the best!


  4. Coach Cassandra Rae
    November 24, 2010

    YES! I *LOVE* your idea. Honor it. Develop it. Play with it. Give the world a chance to benefit from it. You, my dear, are a rock star. Woohoo!

  5. GlendaM
    November 24, 2010

    As Jeniffer wishes for herself, so do I wish for her as well.

    1. Jeniffer
      November 24, 2010

      What a beautiful community I have discovered through “Wishcasting!” Thank you all for your support and kind words.

  6. Rae Payne
    November 24, 2010

    Seems you have a lot simmering. As you wish for yourself, so I also wish for you.

  7. Genie Sea
    November 25, 2010

    May you soar unfettered into th realization of your dreams! As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also! 🙂

    Sending you warm hugs of sisterhood 🙂

  8. Paula - Buenos Aires
    November 25, 2010

    What a cute site!
    As Jennifer wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

  9. LissaL
    November 29, 2010

    As Jeniffer wishes so I wish also!

  10. Lorena Dunn
    December 29, 2010

    What a cute site! As Jennifer wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.


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