I LOVE getting feedback on my workshops. Whether it’s in an e-mail, a handwritten note, a comment left in a forum or my personal favorite a “Thank You” accompanied by a heart to heart hug, I am so grateful for all of the kind words I have received. For me these words are the confirmation that I am following the right path. I am allowing the Creative Spirit in me to teach these classes and inspire others.
For all of you who have shared your gratitude with me, today I would like to publicly share my gratitude for you. Without students I could not teach. I am ever grateful for your love & support!
When ever I doubt the importance of my work I read these words…
and then I usually cry 🙂
“This is more fun than should be legally allowed!” -Ophelia S.
“Being able to smear the paint and express myself while I squished and oozed my fingers in the mess of my past life was wonderful. Unbelievably comforting & healing.” -Joanne P.
“I have loved this workshop. Thank you Jeniffer. It has given me a valuable tool to deal with the memories that overwhelm. I can conquer them through this. I feel EMPOWERED!” -Jo
“Jeniffer, thank you for a wonderful workshop. This is a very powerful journalling exercise. I also want to thank you for being so emotionally honest, it was inspiring and boosted my courage in diving in.” -Karen
“Thanks so much for doing your work. It is truly the work that saves the world.” -Quinn M.
“I have just completed “Write It Down Part One” and I really enjoyed it. Everything was clear, loved the pictures and am looking forward to Part Two.” -Sally
“I love how positive, even if PollyAnna, you are. Thanks for sending out that vibe.” -Karen P.
“Everything suddenly made so much sense. It was like a ton of weight was taken off my shoulders. It was okay being me and understanding what being enough is. THANK YOU SO MUCH for this experience.” -Linn
“I just loved this workshop. Thank you very much for this method of introspection.” -Ana A.
“You have inspired me in more ways than you will ever know.” -Rose F.
“I thought I was signing up for art workshops when I joined 21 Secrets; I had no idea how beautiful or special or sacred – yes, sacred is a good word – this space was going to be. It’s not just about creating art, it’s about love, celebration, freedom and healing too.” -Lisa L.
“Perfect timing Karma… I needed this class right now. Â After two years of turmoil, this week is showing a lot of light at the end of my very long tunnel. Â Thanks Jeniffer, for helping me tell myself what I already knew, but just needed to make that jump.” -Tracy C.
“I loved your lesson because it helped me go much deeper in my journal than I had previously, without fearing that someone would see everything I wrote. Â What I wanted was some sort of transforming experience, and this is exactly what happened. Â I am so happy I found your class and that I tried the simple technique you shared. Â Thank you so much.” -Meredith K.
“It was wonderful to journal like this. You really inspired me to listen, listen for some kind of answer.” -Linn
“A very powerful workshop Jeniffer, thank you SO MUCH!” -Christine B.
To read more student testimonials click here.
Love & Blessings to you all!