Welcome to the Party!
This year, I wanted to share the experience of creating a New Year’s Vision Board with friends near and far. I have asked a few of my friends who live around the country to share some inspiration with you. Some will be sharing today and others have volunteered for future guest posts. January will be filled with creative inspiration! Not surprisingly, these posts and videos have deeply inspired me. I love these women!
Deep, deep love and gratitude go out to our guests today: Whitney Freya, Lisa Wilson, Natasha Reilly and Melissa Goslin Collins.
So, grab some magazines, perhaps a cup of tea and join us as we usher in the New Year with enthusiasm, creativity and intention! There is a lot of inspiration here so feel free to stop by more than once 🙂
Simple Steps to Creating an Inspirational Vision Board
Creating a Vision Board is super simple. All you need is your imagination, some old magazines, a pair of scissors, a stick of glue and a sheet of poster board – choose a size that you can easily display somewhere in your home.
Once you gather your materials, take a moment to center yourself and set your intentions for your Vision Board. You may wish to simply take a few slow, deep breaths or to spend some time in meditation to quiet your mind. From this place, mentally set your intentions for your project. Say to yourself, “I wish to create an inspirational vision for the upcoming year.” You may choose to add an affirmation such as, “I am surrounded in love, health and prosperity.” These positive thoughts help to focus your mind on your highest good for mental, physical and spiritual growth. The aim is not to focus solely upon material or physical desires you may have for yourself, but on bringing balance to your whole self.
Below is a guided meditation I created for you as you begin your Vision Board process.
[audio http://jenifferhutchins.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Guided-Meditation-Dec-31-2013.mp3]
Having set your intentions, it is time to begin the collage process. Flip through 3-4 magazines and cut out any images or text that catches your attention. Do not question your intuition during this phase of the project. Just trust and let it unfold.
Next I like to arrange my cut images into piles according to size. This helps me to better determine placement. Organize the images and text onto your poster board. Start with larger images on the bottom and build your way up. Text should be the last thing you place. You may wish to do this first without glue, just to get an idea of where they will fit without completely covering up bottom images. Once you have a general idea of placement begin the process of gluing the images down. Use a glue-stick (or other sticky substance) along the back of your image. Then lightly press it down with your finger.
When your image is completed take a moment to reflect on it. Examine the whole board. Take note of the collection of words and images. Are there any themes, colors, symbols, or text that stand out to you? How does the image make you feel? Is there anything on your image that surprised you? Is there something that you know you want to create in the New Year that didn’t end up on your board? If so, feel free to add handwritten text or drawn in images. Be sure to display your board in a place where you will see it frequently. Every time you look at your Vision Board, you are refueling your personal desires.
You may wish to share your Vision Board. When we share our dreams, plans and visions with others we actually magnify their power. It is a form of commitment to our dreams. We allow our friends, family and fellow artists to help hold the vision for us. They become our mirrors reflecting back to us our own potential. As we visualize our dreams and share them with the world we are calling them forth in our lives. This is when the magic happens! Hold it up for friends, post it on your blog or share on FaceBook. If you use FaceBook, you may wish to also share on my online community, JoyfulArts Community.
I hope that you enjoy creating your 2014 Vision Board! May all of your creative dreams come true.
Love & Blessings,
“A desire, a plan, a hope, an inspiration all molded into one big shining lump – that’s a dream. It has been said that a persistent desire is God nudging a person to act in that direction.” – Marguerette Gilmore
Aim & Fire: Guest Post and Video by Whitney Freya – and a special offer!
Whitney Freya is the author of The Artist Within: A Guide to Becoming Creatively Fit. Visit her online at www.CreativelyFit.com. She has dedicated her creative work to helping others uncover their creative spirit. A girl after my own heart! In this post, Whitney shares with us her personal story of setting clear intentions for the new year. She reminds us that we all have “an ‘army’ of angels and guides all around you just waiting for your command.” Read Whitney’s inspirational post “Aim & Fire” by clicking here. Watch the video below.
“I keep my thoughts centered upon only those thoughts that I want to see manifest in my life.” -Eric Butterworth
Happy New Moment: Guest Post by Lisa Rene Wilson
Lisa Rene Wilson is a self designated Awareness Artist – don’t you just love that title? – and owner of BeingBreath.com. This amazing, creative, mother of two, manages to bring peace and balance to the lives of many with her soul soothing words and art. Lisa has provided a few words of wisdom for you as set your intentions for 2014.
Click here to read Lisa’s post entitled “Happy New Moment.”
“We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.” -Buddha
Creating Visions for the New Year: Video Post by Natasha Reilly
Artist, Natasha Reilly is a true spark of light. Both in person and online her whirling, twirling, cartwheeling energy inspires creative play. In the following video Natasha shares with us as she begins the process of creating her Vision Board. The password is Vision2014.
[vimeo 83006762]
Natasha will be back on January 6th as a guest. She will present to you her finished Vision Board and personal experience with the process. Be sure to stop by and read her inspirational post! Visit her website for loads of playful inspiration at www.CreativeNachos.com.
“If you follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living. Wherever you are – if you are following your bliss, you are enjoying that refreshment, that life within you, all the time.” -Joseph Campbell
A New Resolve: by Melissa Goslin Collins
Writer, Melissa Goslin Collins, is one of my closest friends and has been my co-conspirator in creativity ever since we met five years ago. I am honored to share with you her inspirational post outlining the ups and downs of goal setting, and the life changing revelation she has discovered. Click here to read Melissa’s post “A New Resolve” on her blog, Prayers & Xanax. Visit her website at www.MelissaGoslin.com.
“We are the miracle of force and matter making itself over into imagination and will. Incredible. The Life Force experimenting with forms. You for one. Me for another. The Universe has shouted itself alive. We are one of the shouts. ” -Ray Bradbury
Thank you for stopping by the Create 2014 party! Please check back often throughout the month of January for more inspirational posts. Our special guests will include collage artist Ophelia Staton, Jenny Hahn – artist and owner of Creative Nectar Studios, Art Therapist and prayer worker – Shannon Sleeper, and artist /psychic & medium – Dana Preshous and more.
January 1, 2014
[…] this year. And then I was given a HUGE sign from the Universe. The amazingly talented and wonderful Jeniffer Hutchins reached out and asked me if I wanted to be a part of her creative Vision Board 2014 project and I […]