Cooperative Design

While going through my own journals I came across a page I had torn out from the Daily Word (September 1, 2010). I can see why I thought to save it.  What a beautiful reminder of the creative lives we all live.

(photo taken in my backyard after hurricane Irene passed)

“I design my life in cooperation with the Divine.

Made in the image and likeness of God, we human beings have the capacity to design and create through our spiritual, mental and physical capabilities. Each one of us is an artist, a creator at our core, designing and weaving the fabric of our lives in cooperation with the Divine. We may ask ourselves: With God as my partner, what masterpiece do I want to consciously create?

We each have uniqe skills and strengths. One person may create a brilliant computer program; another, a stunning work of art; and yet another, a harmonious home with children who feel loved and worthy. The ways in which we create are endless. May we all share our beautiful gifts with the world!”


  1. morning dove
    September 6, 2011

    totally in agreement, create what the Creator has placed in each of us.

  2. Bonnie
    September 7, 2011

    What a wonderful quote. Thanks for sharing!


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