Photo Walk
Today I went for a photo walk around my neighborhood. I strolled slowly taking in the last of the fall leaves and pausing as the wind blew them over head like a shower of orange rain....
Art & Inspiration For Your Life
Today I went for a photo walk around my neighborhood. I strolled slowly taking in the last of the fall leaves and pausing as the wind blew them over head like a shower of orange rain....
This evening I came across a bookmark lying on the floor. It apparently had an important message for me… “In the ‘feeling stuck’ times: when it is no longer possible to be as you were and not yet possible to be as you will be… Berating and badgering yourself only make the painful ‘between’...
This evening’s Visual Journal page. I was inspired by Mary Freeman’s interview on Worship on Purpose and Connie Hozvicka’s recent post “Practice What You Preach.” One of the things that struck me in Mary’s interview was a Visual Journal image she had completed with the text “God rewrote the text of my life when...
Nature has a magical way of refreshing the Soul. Pictures alone can not capture the feeling nor can words be used to describe it’s purity. It is something beyond words and images. As an artist I try to infuse my work with that energy that overcomes me as I find myself surrounded by natural...
New beginnings, a fresh start, a new opportunity, moving on, moving up, going forward. Sounds great. Sounds fantastic even yet, somehow these life changing moments bring with them a certain unease. My stomach knots up, my energy dips, and my mind races with thoughts of uncertainty. Am I ready? Can I do this? Do...
I love it when the perfect message presents itself to me. I’ve had a lot going on lately and have a lot ahead of me. It is a blessing that I am grateful for, but too often I feel myself stuck in what I’ve just done or what I need to do next. When...
I just finished putting together my first ever grant proposal. When people say they are a lot of work, they aren’t kidding. It has been a time consuming, detail oriented process. A process I am now incredibly grateful for. It helped me to step back and look at all that I have accomplished and...
Quiet time with a good cup of tea can be so refreshing. Good for the mind and good for the soul. I would like to thank the creative genius(es) who thought to include inspirational thoughts directly on tea boxes and bags. It is like a thoughtful reminder of the importance of taking that time...
Yesterday I spent my free time in the morning painting and journaling. There must be a lingering creative energy in my home. It would account for the fact that my son, Noah, spent 2 hours painting yesterday afternoon. My art adventures during the morning. Noah’s art adventures in the afternoon. To quote from Susan...
Life is feeling so magical these days. It is as though everything is lining up perfectly. Have you ever thought of a friend whom you haven’t spoken to in a while and in that moment the phone rings and it’s them? If so you understand what I’ve been experiencing. I’m reading things that seem...